
Inlays & Onlays

Onlays and Inlays are used in premolars or molars, when the tooth has experienced excess damage to support a simple filling, but not too much damage that a crown will be needed. The critical contrast between them is the amount and part of the tooth they cover.Dental inlays and onlays are made from tooth-like material called porcelain, which improves the aesthetic value for the patient. However, in recent years onlays and inlays have been made from ceramic materials.Dental inlays are fitted and molded in the chewing area of your tooth that has been damaged through injury or decay. On the other hand, onlays are used for damage and deterioration to the cusps of your tooth as well as the biting surface.     Inlays are designed to reduce the damage to the surface of your tooth. They can be used when there is damage or decay within the cusps of your teeth. Dentists have various materials they can use to produce the inlays, including gold, composite resins, and ceramics. Composite resins can be matched to the color of your teeth to attain the ideal aesthetics.     Onlays, sometimes it is called a partial crown; onlays are applied to treat large areas. Unlike inlays, Onlays are used on the biting surface and can be extended to cusps across your tooth, as requested by the patient. Just like inlays, onlays can be designed from ceramics, gold, or composite resins, as every material provides excellent durability for the patient. Using an onlay is regarded as an alternative to crowns since this treatment helps to save more teeth than the conventional crown placement procedure.