Beautiful smile and white teeth of a young woman. Matching the shades of the implants or the process of teeth whitening.

Laminate Veneers

Laminate Veneers can be offered to patients as an alternative to the treatment of caries, crowding, colored, broken and worn teeth in the anterior teeth. Laminate Veneers are among the most conservative methods used for aesthetic and functional corrections.

The biggest advantage of Porcelain Laminate Veneers over full ceramic or zirconium veneers is that only one surface of the teeth (facing the front) is cut.

The first session is to determine if this procedure is adequate for the person. If yes, then the relevant tooth is filed a fine layer to make space for the leaf porcelain. This is also possible without any filing, however the mouth smiling position and teeth need to be also adequate in such case. The teeth shape is taken with a mould and sent to a laboratory. Their conformity is checked and the leaf porcelain is then applied with a special adhesive. Total treatment duration is 5-6 days.

In addition to laminate treatment, we have prepless laminate treatment too.

Prepless laminate treatment is similar to laminate veneer treatment(leaf porcelain) application in terms of both application and result obtained. The only difference is that it is applied on the tooth surface without any roughening or abrasion.

The prepless laminate are applied without any loss in the enamel layer and allows you to remove them and use your own teeth whenever you want.

It is the most successful alternative to get fast and aesthetic results for your dental problems such as abrasive veneer, discoloration, breakage and gap tooth. It is a treatment that is completed in a short period of up to a week, without loss of substance from your teeth. Prepless laminate applied on each tooth individually has a similar strength to natural tooth enamel. Daily hygiene is sufficient for maintaining natural tooth enamel. While the prepless veneer can be used easily for at least 6 years without stain and color change, regular daily maintenance extends this period.